Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why should you choose blogspot?

Let's not get to the point yet, why people get to have great pictures and i'm still looking for what I see not, achieving something, it's there but not there yet. Is it so? Why am i writing like some philosopher? Why did not I take up the philosophy degree in university of queensland? was it my fate or did it so happened that i'm just too lazy to go and discover around? It's your choice. You only have one life, it's how you paint it.


I started out with friendster's blog, back in taylors, only those who are close know that i blog there, it wasn't that much of a blog anyway, it's plain, ugly, and dull. and if you want to customize ur friendster blog, you've got to pay don't know how much extra this and that.

then ms introduced livejournal to me, okay lar, better than friendster, the pictures are bigger, and you can upload videos too! =) but the part comes in where you are looking for that add html/javascript button, it isn't there, why other blogspot users and xanga users can have such a nice blog, full with colors and their own decorations? and why i only have this dull lame template, change here change there still the same, or maybe i do not know how to use lar.

i mean, seriously, livejournal, really looks like journals lar, it's not a blogging site. lol.. no offense, this is just what i think. then i came to blogspot, finally after 3 years loafing around, trying out blogsites, i've found blogspot. a place where i think i can play around with internet html codes, upload videos, upload songs, have a chatroom, have people leaving comments.

easier templates and easier for you to customize your blog, well, i'm not advertising for but i just feel that they're cool, and should be given credits, still most of all, IT's FREE!!


Last Post for May 2008, good bye May and welcome June.
sorry that i will have to leave you for about a week not blogging, it's time to go back to my studies and revision. it's study week, and study week is for studying.
Study, Work, or Be a Monk. (only ym knows what i'm talking about here)

Goodday and Goodnight People

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my wretch is good as well...
work hard n study smart..